Saturday, March 21, 2015

TJ: So Sinuous: #0v2

Aquarium Status


So... things have not progressed with this. The aquarium I received was of amazing quality, but it just took forever, and there were parts missing, and then the lights didn't work and... I returned the setup. I really couldn't be bothered. It was really annoying me.

I also had a change of mind, and decided to attempt something quite different... it's not going to be a nano anymore. Not even a pico. I am going to attempt... a bonsai.

Yes, it is going to be pretty crazy.

But rather than setting up a bonsai like most would, I am going to attempt a mono-scleractinian bonsai, a.k.a. a tank with just one single coral. A single Bubble Coral (Plerogyra sinuosa).

Most bonsais will see some sort of soft coral being stocked, for they are slightly easier. However, that is not to say there hasn't been LPS or SPS being grown in bonsais. That is to say, of course, that what I attempt isn't something overly extremely special or whatever, but I guess it is gonna be pretty hard. And cool.

Alright, so let's talk about plans...

The Plan

My plan is to utilize a 1 litre fish tank (a bit less than 0.3 gallons), a hang-on filter, a tiny heater and a Marine Pure cube. For substrate, I have yet to decide between going barebottom or sand (which I will take from my existing tank). Will decide on that after the initial cycle.

I will set it all up, go through the cycle, and once ready, transfer some sand (if I decide to go that route), and double-check the cycle. Once it is all clear, either way, I'd move my Bubble Coral from my current 'main' tank over.

Here it is:

It's actually only about 3-4cm across.

You can see it in the FTS in the other tank journal towards the back to the left.

So I've in fact already have all the equipment. Just haven't had a chance to set it all up. Looking forwards to do so though!

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